Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pregnancy Rash= PUPPS

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 9:50 PM 0 comments

So we made it to the final Trimester. Take a breather right WRONG, just has I was finally getting over all the symptoms of Pregnancy I got hit head on with another. Believe me God never left me out when it came to pregnancy. Just as I hit 8 months I started to itch like crazy. I just so happened to be that 1% of women who experience Pregnancy rash called PUPPS. Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy was the diagnosis. Soon hive like bumps started forming on my belly, thighs, arms and legs. It was awful the itching just would not go away and at night it was so much worse. This is common in that 1% of women if it's their 1st pregnancy and if carrying twins. So I tried everything but the 2 only things that helped was number 1 I contacted my doctor and he gave me a Topical Ointment. Second before I could get an appointment with the doctor I used Aveeno Oatmeal Bath 3 times a day. It helped stopped the itchy feeling and left me with a soothing sensation. So be warned of the PUPPS they may cause no harm to baby but cause stress to Mommy.

* And yes these are my actual photos while pregnant with PUPPS.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Did You Know Pregnancy Trivia

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Did You Know:

Your unborn baby's tiny heart beats 65 times a minute.

At 7 weeks pregnant your baby's 1st brain wave occurs.

The term "fetus" comes from the Latin meaning "offspring"

In Sweden Prenatal care is free to every woman.

Your baby will be born with 300 bones in its body, they will fuse together later in life.

Worldwide 80% of newborns are delivered by midwives.

Around 10,501 babies are born in the USA everyday.

After Birth the babies nose could be runny due to amniotic fluid.

During month 6 baby's skin contains more than 500,000 hair follicles.

New Moms in Mexico are given steam bath right after birth to reduce their pain.

Breast milk contains antibodies to protect your baby. 

The surface of the umbilical cord contains no pain receptors. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 9:15 PM 0 comments

Pregnancy is something so amazing and life-changing. For me I put no expectations on What pregnancy would be like. So here is a fun list my husband and I created of my favorite things during Pregnancy. The list can include food, products ect.

 Oreo's, Apple Wedges, Olive Garden AKA Pasta and Cereal.

I think I ate more cereal while pregnant then I ever ate in my lifetime. I couldn't get enough of Vitamin D milk. It was something I felt I needed at least twice a day. My cereal of chose was Post Shredded Wheat the Strawberry flavor Yummy. Today I have no desire to touch or even come close to cereal.

Some more favorite things I enjoyed while pregnant were. Taking a big old long nap without being interrupted. I usually went my days over at my moms "dog watching" aka curling up on the couch while the dog slept next to me. I would rest up for I had nothing better to do, and don't they say to always get more rest while pregnant.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Little Girl

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 8:20 AM 0 comments

It's Hard to believe that almost a year ago I was feeling my little peanut kicking inside of me. And now sadly I am planning her first birthday party. If you are pregnant you will get to this wall when you notice your little tiny baby isn't so tiny anymore. I'm sad because I can no longer just hold her and cuddle, all she wants to do is just go go go. People told me I would get to this point but didn't think it would come this quick. I'm happy to see how much we have done and all the memories. But my BABY isn't a baby anymore. And as I look for Abby Cadabby Cakes to order for her big day I know these moments and memories will be in my heart forever and that is comforting.

My Husband has a different spin on things.. He reminded me that we one day want more children and although they can't replace the memories with my little girl, he stated to my think about all the more memories we will create. Our Little girl being a Big Sister taking care of her brothers and sisters. And it made since to me yeah we will make more memories and that's Great with me.

Just wanted to write about after pregnancy the emotions you will feel. Going to get back on track this weekend for pregnancy months 1-9.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Elmo's World

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 8:22 AM 0 comments

In the past 9 months mornings have been alot different with a little one in the house. Some how I get to go to Elmo's World everyday and sometimes more then 3 times a day. My daughter just loves Elmo more then any other small child cartoons. The colors and his voice just do it for our little munchkin. If you have a baby that loves sesame street you know exactly what I am talking about. As I sit here writing this post I find myself singing along with the "can you tell me how to get to sesame street" tune. It's just funny to me how many things really change and even what you watch on time. My husband and I have 2 days we really try and sit down by 8pm. But mostly every night we are in sesame street with Elmo. So if you are expecting or thinking about a baby just realize ELMO'S WORLD will be your world.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 8:46 AM 0 comments
How many of you are afraid of Friday the 13th? You are not alone. Henry Ford would have hated 2009. Apparently Mr. Ford would not do business on Friday the 13th. And today marks the 1st time this year we have had a 13 land on a Friday. However last year in 2009 we had the most Friday the 13th in one year.  February, March and November all contained a Friday the 13th. Most people refuse to travel on this day, get surgery done and even go to work. A lot of people just stay in bed and wait until Saturday the 14th rolls around. Did you know Henry Ford, Napoleon and President Franklin Roosevelt were all afraid of this day. Would you stay in a room on the 13th floor of a hotel? Stay in room 13 in a hospital?

The Supposedly unlucky number can be linked to the Apollo 13 explosion which took off at 1:13 p.m which is 1313 military time. On 04-11-1970 which digits add up to 13. FDR would never travel on the 13th the president would leave the station before midnight on the 12th or after midnight on the morning of the 14th. Even in death FDR refused Friday the 13th. For he died on Thursday April 12th.  Some link Friday the 13th to knights were burned at the stake in the 1300's.  Other think about Jesus Christ being crucified on Friday right after the last supper in which 13 people attended.

However in my life Friday the 13th has been the most amazing days I have experienced. My husband and I settled on our house on Friday the 13th. Then we had our daughter on Friday the 13th. Which I can say also I had surgery on Friday the 13th and didn't think twice. My due date was 11/11 and I always knew that I would either have my baby on Halloween or Friday the 13th. And when I started contracting at 5am that Friday morning I thought nothing about Friday the 13th. So while others want to stay under the covers on Friday the 13th I want to celebrate with my daughter that another month has gone by and how blessed we are. In our house 13 is a great number!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 1 Blogger

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 10:34 PM 0 comments
So today is my first time using a blog. My boss is the one who told me it was possible through gmail. Since we live in a Google world I thought why not. So here we go. I will be sharing parenting thoughts idea and questions on this blog. I will also be sharing some tough thoughts and times with everyone. My goal is to one day write 3 books. The 1st a book on my mother who has changed in so many ways (explain more later). The 2nd How I hate Pregnancy when everyone eles just loved it. And finally about life being married and a mommy.

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