Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 8:46 AM
How many of you are afraid of Friday the 13th? You are not alone. Henry Ford would have hated 2009. Apparently Mr. Ford would not do business on Friday the 13th. And today marks the 1st time this year we have had a 13 land on a Friday. However last year in 2009 we had the most Friday the 13th in one year.  February, March and November all contained a Friday the 13th. Most people refuse to travel on this day, get surgery done and even go to work. A lot of people just stay in bed and wait until Saturday the 14th rolls around. Did you know Henry Ford, Napoleon and President Franklin Roosevelt were all afraid of this day. Would you stay in a room on the 13th floor of a hotel? Stay in room 13 in a hospital?

The Supposedly unlucky number can be linked to the Apollo 13 explosion which took off at 1:13 p.m which is 1313 military time. On 04-11-1970 which digits add up to 13. FDR would never travel on the 13th the president would leave the station before midnight on the 12th or after midnight on the morning of the 14th. Even in death FDR refused Friday the 13th. For he died on Thursday April 12th.  Some link Friday the 13th to knights were burned at the stake in the 1300's.  Other think about Jesus Christ being crucified on Friday right after the last supper in which 13 people attended.

However in my life Friday the 13th has been the most amazing days I have experienced. My husband and I settled on our house on Friday the 13th. Then we had our daughter on Friday the 13th. Which I can say also I had surgery on Friday the 13th and didn't think twice. My due date was 11/11 and I always knew that I would either have my baby on Halloween or Friday the 13th. And when I started contracting at 5am that Friday morning I thought nothing about Friday the 13th. So while others want to stay under the covers on Friday the 13th I want to celebrate with my daughter that another month has gone by and how blessed we are. In our house 13 is a great number!


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