Friday, June 8, 2012

Back with Double the Blessings!

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 12:42 PM
My break from blogging took longer then I thought! My last post was in August 2011. Thank you for waiting patiently for my return. In August 2011 I learned I was pregnant for the second time. I also found out I was carrying 2 babies at one time. TWINS became the word of the day at my second ultrasound in my OBYGN's office. Soon the shock of twins was put on hold when the doctor told me my Baby B was not going to survive, for the baby's heart was too weak and would be gone at our 12 week ultrasound. We felt crushed, not only did you just tell us I am having twins but then you tell me one is going to not make it. Out hearts were heavy as we left the office. I remember the car ride home was quite and very emotional, I remember my husband starting to cry tell me he was sorry it was his fault. I told him it was no ones fault and I knew God would only give us what we could handle. We decided to go right out to his parent's to explain the journey we had ahead of us. I was 8 weeks pregnant and we hadn't told anyone I was pregnant. They we taking us down south that night and did not have much to say, other then did we still want to go to the beach. We wanted to keep everything the same and not change our plans mostly for our 2 year old daughter whom was looking forward to going to the ocean.

 My case was called Vanishing Twin Syndrome-A vanishing twin, also known as fetal resorption, is a fetus in a multi-gestation pregnancy which dies in utero and is then partially or completely reabsorbed by the twin.

Time would soon tell, and now we prepared for a loss at our 12 week ultrasound. As the ultrasound Tech. started moving across my belly said "This is Baby A and over here is Baby B". I was shocked, here was this little flicker of a heart beat and a black sac which according to the doctors wouldn't and shouldn't be there. Here we were pregnant with TWINS 2 healthy TWINS.


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