Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Family of Five 1st Christmas

Posted by Hankbr1109 at 9:46 PM
Christmas times sure have changed along the course of our relationship. Do you remember the first Christmas with your sweet heart. It's a bit awkward because you don't really know this person yet, plus you don't want to spend to little, but then you don't want to spend too much. What about the Christmas season when you were engaged? The Christmas before the year we got married, we got engaged. Oh by the way the BEST Christmas gift I have received to date(asking to be someones wife). But what about the first Christmas with baby? I remember that year like it was yesterday. Our daughter turned 1 month old that Christmas. And because I was a SAHM(stay at home momma), we decided we would not buy each other gifts, we were still trying to figure out how to survive with now the 3 of us. But I remember how with very little gifts under the tree for only our daughter, how my husband reached around behind the tree and had a few small presents for me. I was shocked beyond words, we both agreed no gifts and yet here my amazing husband didn't want me to be without on Christmas. One of our most poor Christmas, was not even poor at all. I knew then in that moment that presents and gifts don't bring Christmas happiness, its the joy we found in each other and how we created our own family.

Here is a picture of our 1st Christmas Tree- a gingerbread theme Christmas 2009

Since then we have managed to become proactive about the Holiday season. However we didn't have a plan on how we went from buying for 1 kid to 3. This past year 2012 was our first Christmas with 3 kids and as a family of 5. My daughter just turned 3 and my twins were 9 months. I had no idea how much we should be saving, putting back or even spending on each kid? Do we buy them toys and clothes or no toys just the things they need? This is what we did, we set a limit to the dollar amount on all 3 kids, we then starting looking for the best deals in the paper and online. Also we needed to factor in our Christmas dinner cost and if we wanted to get each other present cost. My parents graciously gave us $200 to put toward the Santa gifts, which was a nice surprise and big help. I think we had a great first Christmas as a family of 5. And I can't wait for many more. Here is a few pictures from that Christmas Eve & Christmas Day 2012. 


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